2. Start and Check a RunΒΆ

This section serves as explanation on how to start a run locally. The run will be tracked in your mantik account.

First install the mantik package. You will also need mlflow for this.

pip install mantik
pip install mlflow

Setup the necessary environment variables


eval $(mantik init)

2.1. Setup the Wine Quality Estimator projectΒΆ

Clone the tutorial and build the relevant docker image

git clone https://gitlab.com/mantik-ai/tutorials.git
docker build -t wine-quality-executor tutorials/wine-quality-estimator/mlproject

2.2. Start a RunΒΆ

How to submit a run:

mantik runs local "wine-quality-estimator/mlproject/MLProject" --name "Local: wine quality estimator" --project-id <PROJECT ID> --code-repository-id <CODE REPOSITORY ID> --branch main --experiment-repository-id <EXPERIMENT REPOSITORY ID> --parameter alpha=0.1

The different ids can be found using the Details action button of the entities in the Mantik UI.

This will execute the project locally. The run is book-kept in the platform, so when navigating in the UI to Projects -> <PROJECT NAME> -> Runs -> Submissions you will see the run.

Your system info such as

  • GPU info

  • CPU model

  • Platform

  • CPU core count

  • Total Memory

Will automatically be recorded as part of the backend config. It can be disabled by setting the flag --backend-config-system-info=False when executing the run.