




The purpose of this class is so that the two functions inside it



Like the tee linux command that prints to stdout


capture_and_print_output(→ Tuple[Any, str])


get_env_vars_for_run(→ dict)

path_directory_of_mlproject_file(→ str)

run(data, project_id, mantik_token[, data_target_dir, ...])

save_run_data(→ uuid.UUID)

start_local_run(project_id, name, ...)

Module Contents

class mantik.runs.local.LocalRunManager[source]

The purpose of this class is so that the two functions inside it can be more easily monkey-patched together, feel free to improve this by monkeypatching the functions without the need of an extra class to clean up the code

classmethod clone_git_repo(uri: str, branch: str, target_directory: str) None[source]
static start_local_run(mlflow_experiment_id: str, data: mantik.runs.schemas.RunConfiguration, project_id: uuid.UUID, mantik_token: str, uri: str, env_manager: str = 'local') LocalRunOutput[source]
class mantik.runs.local.LocalRunOutput[source]
exception: BaseException | None = None[source]
run_id: uuid.UUID[source]
class mantik.runs.local.Tee(*streams)[source]

Bases: io.StringIO

Like the tee linux command that prints to stdout and save to a/multiple file the output of a command. This class takes n streams and populates them with the same data. A stream could be sys.stdout or sys.stderr, to keep printing to them.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Flush write buffers, if applicable.

This is not implemented for read-only and non-blocking streams.

streams = ()[source]

Write string to file.

Returns the number of characters written, which is always equal to the length of the string.

mantik.runs.local.capture_and_print_output(func, *args, **kwargs) Tuple[Any, str][source]
mantik.runs.local.fetch_code_and_experiment(project_id: uuid.UUID, code_repository_id: uuid.UUID, experiment_repository_id: uuid.UUID, mantik_token: str) Tuple[mantik.utils.mantik_api.code_repository.CodeRepository, mantik.utils.mantik_api.experiment_repository.ExperimentRepository][source]
mantik.runs.local.get_env_vars_for_run(run_config: mantik.runs.schemas.RunConfiguration, mantik_token: str, project_id: str, data_target_dir: str | None = None) dict[source]
mantik.runs.local.path_directory_of_mlproject_file(mlproject_file_path: str) str[source] mantik.runs.schemas.RunConfiguration, project_id: uuid.UUID, mantik_token: str, data_target_dir: str | None = None, run_manager: LocalRunManager = LocalRunManager(), env_manager: str | None = 'local')[source]
mantik.runs.local.save_run_data(data: mantik.runs.schemas.RunConfiguration, project_id: uuid.UUID, mantik_token: str) uuid.UUID[source]
mantik.runs.local.start_local_run(project_id: uuid.UUID, name: str, experiment_repository_id: uuid.UUID, code_repository_id: uuid.UUID, branch: str | None, commit: str | None, data_repository_id: uuid.UUID | None, mlflow_mlproject_file_path: str, entry_point: str, data_branch: str | None, data_commit: str | None, data_target_dir: str | None, env_manager: str | None, mlflow_parameters: dict)[source]
  • project_id (ID of the project to which the run should be linked)

  • name (Name of the Run)

  • experiment_repository_id (ID of the experiment repository) – to which the run should be linked

  • code_repository_id (ID of the code repository) – where the mlproject is located

  • branch (Name of the code repository's branch)

  • commit (Name of the code repository's commit (has precedence over branch))

  • data_repository_id (ID of the data repository) – where the data is located, this is optional

  • mlflow_mlproject_file_path (Path in your code directory) – to the MLproject file

  • entry_point (entry point name)

  • mlflow_parameters (Mlflow parameters present in your entry point)

  • data_branch (Data branch to checkout. Defaults to newest.)

  • data_commit (Data commit to checkout. Takes precedence over data_branch.)

  • env_manager (Which environment manager to use to handle installing run)

  • Local (dependencies. Could be)

  • Virtualenv (Conda or)

  • data_target_dir (Relative path to directory) – where the data will be stored (from code root)

Return type:

Response from the mantik API that contains the run id