



build_model(→ None)

Trigger model containerization.

cli(→ None)

Interaction with models through the mantik api.

create_model_entry(→ None)

Add a new trained model entry.

delete_model(→ None)

Delete a trained model.

download_model(→ None)

Download the containerized version of the model.

get_all_project_models(→ None)

Print details of all trained models in project.

get_build_status(→ None)

Print container build status.

get_model(→ None)

Print details of specific trained model.

mlflow_parameters_decoder(→ Optional[dict])

update_model_entry(→ None)

Update details of existing trained model.

Module Contents

mantik.cli.models.models.GROUP_NAME = 'models'[source]
mantik.cli.models.models.build_model(project_id: uuid.UUID, model_id: uuid.UUID) None[source]

Trigger model containerization.

mantik.cli.models.models.cli() None[source]

Interaction with models through the mantik api.

mantik.cli.models.models.create_model_entry(project_id: uuid.UUID, name: str, uri: str, location: str, connection_id: uuid.UUID | None, mlflow_parameters: dict | None, run_id: uuid.UUID | None) None[source]

Add a new trained model entry.

mantik.cli.models.models.delete_model(project_id: uuid.UUID, model_id: uuid.UUID) None[source]

Delete a trained model.

mantik.cli.models.models.download_model(project_id: uuid.UUID, model_id: uuid.UUID, target_dir: str, image_type: str, load: bool) None[source]

Download the containerized version of the model.

mantik.cli.models.models.get_all_project_models(project_id: uuid.UUID) None[source]

Print details of all trained models in project.

mantik.cli.models.models.get_build_status(project_id: uuid.UUID, model_id: uuid.UUID) None[source]

Print container build status.

mantik.cli.models.models.get_model(project_id: uuid.UUID, model_id: uuid.UUID) None[source]

Print details of specific trained model.

mantik.cli.models.models.mlflow_parameters_decoder(ctx, param, value) dict | None[source]
mantik.cli.models.models.update_model_entry(project_id: uuid.UUID, model_id: uuid.UUID, uri: str, name: str, location: str, connection_id: uuid.UUID | None, mlflow_parameters: dict | None, run_id: uuid.UUID | None) None[source]

Update details of existing trained model.