
What are Mantik projects?

Mantik projects are the main organizational unit for your ML applications. A project is a collection that includes everything needed to reproduce your results, including

All access control is enforced on the project level; you can grant read and write permissions to colleagues or make a project public to share it with the whole community in the project settings.

The Mantik Projects Overview

Screenshot on how to navigate to projects

Mantik Navbar

Click ‘Projects’ to navigate to projects overview. You will see a list of projects that

  • you have at least read access to, or

  • are public.

Projects overview

From here you can search for projects, view project titles and short descriptions, and navigate to the detailed view of a project by clicking “View Details” in the project’s tile in the list.

Search in Mantik Projects

To be implemented

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, click “Create Project” on the projects overview page.

Projects overview

You will see a popup menu, in which you can specify the project name, a short description and a long description.

Create project

To make the project publicly accessible, just tick the corresponding checkbox.

Create project

Click “Create” to confirm project creation.