
An experiment is a collection of runs, i.e., it collects all the information from multiple ML training runs that you want to compare directly. It is common to have multiple experiments within one project.

You can view experiments by navigating to a public project, or one that you are a member of (see projects), and select “Experiments” in the sidebar on the left.


Mantik experiments are integrated with MLflow experiments. If you are familiar with MLflow, just use Mantik experiments analogously. If not, you can read more on MLflow experiments here.

Existing experiments can be edited, the experiments’ details can be viewed and experiments can be deleted by selecting the respective action icons - , , .

Create a New Experiment

To create a new experiment, navigate to the experiments view in a project and click the “Add” button.


You need to provide a name for your experiment that is unique within the project.


Viewing Experiments

Mantik leverages the full power of MLflow for experiment handling. You can either click on the “View experiments in MLflow” button to see a list of your experiments or you can click on the name of the individual experiment to view that experiment.


Exploring the Experiment View


The above is the experiment view for a logged in mantik user. The runs corresponding to the selected experiment are visible and browsable.

  • You can search through your experiments in the input field above the listed experiments.

  • You can compare runs within an experiment using the checkboxes next to the listed experiments.

  • To view all public experiments in Mantik, as well as your own experiments, use the checkbox Include Public Experiments found above the main list of experiments.