Code RepositoriesΒΆ

Mantik code repositories serve to integrate your favourite version control system with Mantik. You can continue to host your git repositories on,, or on a privately hosted instance, and simply reference them in Mantik. You can add a connection that will allow you to use your code in your Mantik runs.

You can view the code repositories by navigating to a public project, or one that you are a member of (see projects), and select β€œCode” in the sidebar on the left.


Create a new code repositoryΒΆ

To create a new code repository navigate to the code view in a project and click the β€œAdd” button.


You need to provide a name for your code repository that is unique within the project. Further, you need to provide the URL, an access token and a short description for the code repository.


Once you have entered a new code repository it will appear in the view of code repositories and can be used for runs. By selecting β€œVisit” in the code reporsitory tile, you open the code repository.
